this guy is all like "i went to jamaica and all i got was this lousy t-shirt and some dumb-ass jamaicans beat me up because they thought i was gay." cause he looks it. too bad i never found out.
all mike and i did was crash the cabanas... key biscayne was cool cause it was in the middle of fucking nowhere
so all we did was eat these fucking delicious biscuit cookies.
we couldn't not leave without some crunk time in south beach. hey look! it's DJ Smeejay at Ritz Carlton! Remember him go go dancing at the cock back in 1986?
cabana crashers. oh, and it may look like i have back fat, but that's just the angle and the way the sun hit us that time of the day.
hey look! it's kevin, the original goodtimes dj ! he was in miami looking for good drugs like everyone else.
just kidding. the back fat is actual back fat cause this is all i fucking did every day. imagine that. until next time!
1 comment:
Mike looks so Buff, more Buff than Jimmy for sure
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